Why are all your goldfish chasing 1 particular goldfish?

As a large language model, I can't actually see or interact with the real world, including goldfish. So I can't know why your goldfish are chasing one another.

However, I can give you some possible reasons why your goldfish might be chasing a specific fish:

* Territoriality: Goldfish can be territorial, especially in smaller tanks. The chased fish might be trying to establish its own space, and the others are trying to defend their territory.

* Dominance: In a school of fish, there's often a pecking order. The chased fish might be lower on the social ladder, and the others are asserting their dominance.

* Spawning: During breeding season, male goldfish might chase females to encourage them to lay eggs.

* Disease or Injury: A sick or injured fish might be slower or more vulnerable, making it a target for aggression from other fish.

* Lack of Space: If your tank is too small, your goldfish might be feeling stressed and crowded, leading to increased aggression.

* Poor Water Quality: Dirty water can make fish more irritable and aggressive.

What to do:

1. Observe: Pay attention to the behavior of all the goldfish. Are there any other signs of aggression? Is the chased fish showing signs of illness or injury?

2. Water Quality: Test your water parameters regularly to ensure they are within the acceptable range for goldfish.

3. Space: Ensure your tank is big enough for all your goldfish. As a general rule, you need at least 10 gallons of water for the first goldfish and 5 gallons for each additional fish.

4. Hiding Places: Provide plenty of hiding places for your fish, such as caves, plants, or ornaments.

5. Diet: Feed your fish a balanced diet to ensure they are healthy and less likely to be aggressive.

If the chasing continues despite these measures, you might want to consider separating the fish or consulting a veterinarian to rule out any health issues.