Things You'll Need
- Fish tank
- Gravel
- Decorations
- Filter
- Heater (optional)
- Air stone
- Thermometer
- Water treatments
- Goldfish
- Food
Setting Up the Tank
Clean the fish tank and gravel thoroughly with warm water; do not use any chemical detergents or soap. To clean the gravel pour it into an empty bucket, add water and stir vigorously. Empty the water out and repeat this step until the water runs clear. Add the gravel to the clean fish tank.
Pour the gravel into the tank, sloping the gravel so it is higher at the back and slopes down to the front of the tank. This will making cleaning much easier. Add any rocks, ornaments or plastic plants and secure them into the gravel. Do not add any live plants at this stage.
Attach the heater, air stone, thermometer and filter according to the manufacturers' instructions. Aquarium filters keep the water clean by removing suspended debris and harmful dissolved pollution. Secure the equipment about 1/2 inch into the gravel so it will remain secure in the fish tank. It is possible to keep a goldfish tank without a heater; the temperature of the water should be between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fill the tank with cold water. Pour the water slowly to ensure you don't disturb the location of items placed in the gravel. Treat the water with a water conditioner to remove any chlorine that will be present in the tap water, and add a biological supplement for healthy bacteria. Now turn on all the equipment and leave it on for at least a week to be sure the water pump is working, the filter is populated with healthy bacteria and the water is oxygenated. Add any live plants at this stage.
Adding the Goldfish
Float the bag that contains the fish in the water for about 10 minutes. This allows the temperature of the water in the bag to equalize with the tank temperature.
Open the bag and allow the goldfish to swim out. Add only one or two fish at a time so you don't stress out the fish and your water conditions.
Feed the fish according to your chosen fish food instructions. The fish tank is now set up.