How to Care for a Fantail Goldfish

Fantail goldfish are a fancy version of the most common pet fish. It's characteristic split fin and red, orange, or white color are usually what attracts many people to this fish. Proper care and feeding of the fantail goldfish will ensure that pet owners have a long and happy relationship with their marine friend.


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      Feed your fantail goldfish one small meal a day. Put only the amount of food that can be eaten completely in three minutes into the tank. It is recommended that they eat foods of a high-quality, dried flakes or frozen food. You can give them treats such as fresh or frozen brine shrimp and blood worms.

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      Add other fish to the aquarium because fantail goldfish socialize well with other marine animals. They are scavenger animals, so do not add many others to the aquarium environment--they might edge out the fantail goldfish.

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      Keep the water temperature between 64 to 75 degrees. Continuously check the pH levels and temperature of the water. Change the water on a weekly basis, according to the type of aquarium you have and whether it is filtered or unfiltered. See manufacturer's instructions.

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      Check the filter and equipment daily, change water often and do not over-feed to ensure that the fish has a healthy environment.

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      Inspect the fish's body and fins regularly for signs of fungus, disease and infection. If it exhibits spots, loss of appetite or difficulty breathing, please see the veterinarian, as your fish could be ill.