How Many Fantail Goldfish Can You Put in a 50-Gallon Fish Tank?

With long, flowing double tails and colorful, round bodies, fantail goldfish are an ideal pet. They̵7;re easy to care for and captivating to watch. If you have a 50-gallon fish tank, you will be able to keep a handful of fantails. Making sure you don̵7;t overcrowd your tank will keep these beautiful fish happy and healthy.
  1. Fantail Goldfish

    • Fantail goldfish are considered fancy goldfish. Fancy goldfish have been bred to be lovely, ornamental pets. Fantails have an egg-shaped body and a long, double tail. They don̵7;t grow as large as the common varieties, but that doesn̵7;t mean these guys are small. Fantail goldfish grow to between 6 to 8 inches long. They come in a kaleidoscope of colors and sport unique features. The black moor is solid black with large bubble eyes. The Ryukin fantail goldfish has a hunched back. The telescope eye goldfish has eyes that protrude from the sides of its head. All varieties of fantail goldfish are slow swimmers and should be kept only with other fancy goldfish.

    Stocking the Tank

    • Fantail goldfish need plenty of a room to swim and grow. For one fantail goldfish you'll need a minimum 20-gallon tank. For each fantail you add to the tank you̵7;ll need at least 10 additional gallons to accommodate it. A 50-gallon tank can hold four full-grown fantails. Goldfish should never be kept in a small fishbowl.


    • Filtration is extremely important for any kind of goldfish. Goldfish produce large amounts of waste and without proper filtration the water quality in your tank will go downhill quickly. Make sure your filter is at least large enough for your tank, but getting a filter rated for a larger tank is even better. Frequently check the filter and change it out as needed, or it will not be able to keep up with your fish. Always clean up uneaten food and perform 25 percent water changes weekly.

    Aquarium Decorations

    • Fish aren̵7;t the only things you̵7;ll be putting in your tank. Decorations not only make the tank look pretty, but give the fish places to explore. However, fantail goldfish need special consideration when you're choosing tank decor. Many varieties have delicate eyes that could be injured by sharp or rough objects. Use soft, silky plants that can̵7;t hurt your fantails. Some live plants that are suitable for fantails are anubias, elodea and java moss. Opt for either fine sand substrate or large rocks or gravel. Your goldfish might eat medium-sized gravel.