How to Move a Fantail Goldfish to a Bigger Tank

Fantail goldfish often require more space as they grow. While many place goldfish in one-gallon bowls with no filtration, this method is not recommended. In order to transfer a fantail goldfish to a larger tank, you must first make sure that the water is ready. Large shocks to their systems can harm them, so take it slow and proceed with some caution. Once the water is ready, safely remove the fish from its old tank, keep it in a container and gradually place it into its new environment.

Things You'll Need

  • New tank
  • Filter system
  • Gravel
  • Conditioning liquid
  • Container
  • Fish food
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    • 1

      Prepare the larger tank for the transfer. Add about half of the water required for the transfer as you will use water from the old tank to keep the Goldfish alive. Add a small amount of conditioning liquid to prepare the water for the Goldfish. Allow the water to come up to room temperature or use a heater to get it to between 74 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Wash any gravel you will use and place in the tank as well as any filtration system that will be used.

    • 2

      Place the container you will use to house the goldfish temporarily in the new tank. Slowly add the new water to the container until it is about half full. Leaving the container in the new tank will bring it and its water to the right temperature. Goldfish do not do well with sudden environmental changes, so take your time getting the new water conditioned and ready for it.

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      Catch your goldfish using the container rather than a net. Fantail Goldfish have long, flowing tails that can get caught and damaged in nets, so using the container may go a long way to preventing that instance. Allow the Goldfish to get acclimated to the water in the container for about 15 minutes. This will help with the transition to the new tank, as the tank has all new water that has been newly conditioned.

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      Slowly place the container in the water and tip slightly to allow your Goldfish to swim naturally into the tank. Performing the transfer in this manner assures that it does not try to get out of the tank because if you drop it in, it could get hurt or you could simply miss the tank altogether. Monitor the goldfish as it swims around in its new environment.

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      Feed your goldfish after it seems as though it is acclimated to its new environment.