Can a Goldfish & a Betta Live Together?

Goldfish and betta fish are both hardy freshwater fish, but you should not keep them in the same tank. While both fish might survive for a while, their needs are so different that at least one of them is going to be living in unsuitable conditions.
  1. Care and Habitat Issues

    • Betta fish do best in warm water, above about 75 degrees F. They are tropical fish and thrive in warmth. Goldfish, on the other hand, are coldwater fish. Goldfish also need a very large tank or an outdoor pond, whereas bettas are fine in relatively small tanks. The two species have different nutritional needs and should not be fed the same food. Betta fish are carnivores and goldfish are omnivores.

    Compatibility Issues

    • Initially, a goldfish and a betta might appear to get on well together. Betta fish are mostly aggressive to other bettas, while goldfish are mild-mannered fish that swim well with other fish. One problem is that betta fish achieve a maximum length of only 2 inches, while goldfish grow to over 6 inches. These means you run a risk of the little betta fish becoming a tasty lunch for the goldfish. On occasion, a betta might bully a juvenile goldfish. Certain small tropical fish coexist with bettas. Goldfish do best living with other goldfish.

    Betta Tank Set-Up

    • Bettas are adapted to small bodies of water and take well to aquarium life. That said, they are highly unlikely to live long in a small bowl, mainly because maintaining the right conditions is difficult. The minimum tank size you should consider for a betta, especially if you are new to fish keeping, is 10 gallons, but the bigger the tank, the easier it is to maintain. You also need gravel, heating and light equipment and a filter. Aquatic plants and rocks enrich the environment.

    Goldfish Tank Set-Up

    • Goldfish need a lot of space and powerful filtration. The minimum tank size is 20 gallons, which is big enough for one goldfish. Goldfish prefer company, however, and you need a further 10 gallons for each additional fish. Like bettas, they appreciate hiding places and plants. Goldfish sometimes eat the plants, so choose tough varieties, such as Java fern, and provide other forms of shelter, such as rock caves and plastic plants. Maintain a temperature of between about 60 to 70 degrees F. A constant temperature is important, because sudden temperature changes shock the fish. Add new water gradually when conducting water changes. Float the bag containing new goldfish in the tank for at least half an hour before releasing them.