How to Make a Goldfish Maze

The ability of goldfish and other "primitive" animals to navigate simple mazes has long been a subject of study within the scientific community. This work has significant implications for how scientists understand traits such as memory and logic among non-human species. You can conduct your own experiments on this topic by designing a maze for your pet goldfish. Constructing a maze using individual, modular units allows you to easily assemble, disassemble and reconfigure your maze for a variety of goldfish studies.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • 1/4 inch plexiglass sheet
  • Hacksaw
  • Electric drill
  • 4 inch diamond core bit
  • Aquarium gravel
  • Food reward
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    • 1

      Measure the interior width and height of your goldfish aquarium using a tape measure.

    • 2

      Use a hacksaw to cut five rectangular pieces of 1/4 inch plexiglass to the interior dimensions of your tank as measured in Step 1.

    • 3

      Drill one 4 inch hole in each plexiglass sheet, using an electric drill mounted with a 4 inch diamond core drill bit. Vary the location of the hole in each piece, both vertically and horizontally.

    • 4

      Cover the bottom of your goldfish tank with 3 inches of fine aquarium gravel.

    • 5

      Install the first "level" of your maze by pressing one plexiglass sheet into the gravel in the center of the aquarium so the goldfish must swim through the drilled hole to reach the other side.

    • 6

      Place a food reward -- pellets or another treat food -- on the side of the plexiglass opposite your goldfish.

    • 7

      Add additional levels as your goldfish becomes familiar with navigating the maze.