What Can Cause a Goldfish to Lose Its Tail?

While goldfish live an average of 10 years, the website, Goldfish Facts, states the fish can live up to 25 years. Surviving that long isn't done without adequate care. Protecting the animal's tail is just as important as other body parts. The tail of the goldfish is vital because it helps your pet swim. Although the tissue of the tail may grow back, if the tail is badly damaged, the tail may not be able to repair or replace itself.
  1. Tail and Fin Rot Disease

    • Bacteria and fungus infection can cause a fish to lose its tail to fin rot disease.Stress, injury and poor water quality can cause the bacteria that lead to tail and fin rot. Adding new fish to your fish tank may not be a good thing. Refrain from overcrowding your fish tank. For every one inch of fish, you should have five gallons of water in your tank. Tail rot disease can also be found in aquariums where the nitrates, ammonia or pH are too high, causing a goldfish's tail to erode. Check your goldfish's tail for symptoms such as furry edges, red streaks or pink edges around the tail or fin of the fish.

    Other Fish Attacks

    • You may not be the only one interested in your goldfish's tail. Other fish in the tank may be tempted to bite your goldfish's tail. Some Betta fish, angel fish and even other goldfish may bite at the fish's tail if given the chance. Make sure you check the compatibility of your goldfish with the other fish you want to put in your tank. Only combine fish that won't harm each other.


    • Medication is available to help treat your fish from diseases that could cause it to lose its tail. Visit your local veterinary clinics or pet shops to purchase these antibiotics. Macrayn, Methlylblue, Organi-Cure, Tetracycline and Chloromycetin are all treatments you can use. Change the water in your fish tank, and add aquarium salt to keep bacteria from building. Make sure your fish has a healthy diet that includes plenty of vitamins. A balanced diet can prevent bacterial invasion.


    • Be warned that not all goldfish show signs of bacterial disease. Some strong fish can sustain injuries and never show a sign of tail and fin rot. Follow the bacteria treatment tips, such as cleaning your fish tank's water regularly, to prevent these diseases from occurring.