The Breeding of Fantail Goldfish

Fantail goldfish are a very hardy and strong breed, and are considered a good beginner fish for breeding and raising fish. Breeding fantail goldfish allows the owner to increase his goldfish population and watch the cycle of the fantail goldfish's life. Owners who breed goldfish can decide which fish to keep and which ones to sell or give away after the fantail goldfish grow.
  1. Learn to Sex Your Goldfish

    • Female goldfish are usually plumper and rounder than males, who are normally the narrower goldfish. The belly of the female feels softer to the touch than the belly of the male fantail goldfish. Males develop little white bumps on their heads, known as tubercles, when they are ready to breed.

    Preferred Fantail Goldfish Habitats

    • Fantail goldfish like a mixture of clear open areas and ares with plants and hiding places in their tanks. These goldfish prefer cold water; water can be close to freezing without killing them or making them uncomfortable. Fantails who are getting ready to breed do well in water temperatures between 65 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Fantail goldfish prefer the pH of the water between 6.0 and 8.0. Provide 1/2 or 1/4 water change to the tank every two weeks, to keep up the quality of the water.

    Feeding Goldfish to Encourage Breeding

    • Owners who want their fantail goldfish to breed should feed a variety of healthy food to the fish. This food should include goldfish flakes, blood worms and frozen goldfish food. The goldfish can also eat brine shrimp. The variety encourages the fish to grow and produce young.

    Caring for Goldfish Eggs and Babies

    • Provide a netted area for the goldfish to lay their eggs. Immediately move the fantail goldfish eggs from the tank to another tank, as the adult goldfish are known for eating their eggs. When the young fry hatch, care for them in much the same way as adult goldfish.