Unique Male Characteristics
Males have a long ridge that runs along their back, extending from the pelvic fins to the vent to the underside of the fish. The vent on a male is concave and very thin. Unlike females' fins, males' fins are typically very pointy, allowing them to swim swiftly. Sometimes males have big stars or white dots, called tubercles, located on their pectoral fins near the mouth. These dots and stars may also extend to their gill covers.
Unique Female Characteristics
Females do not have a ridge on their back. The vent on a female is round and convex, because it contains numerous sexual organs. The abdomen on a female is usually very firm, in comparison to the more squishy male abdomen. Although this may not be a telltale sign, females are generally more attractive and brightly colored than males, possibly because they don't have noticeable stars or discoloration on their fins or vents like males do.
Sexual Behavior
Females initiate sexual reproduction by sending out pheromones in the water. The first set of pheromones attracts males and signifies that it is time to breed. Then, they send out a second set of different pheromones that signify that they are ready for fertilization. During this process, females will continue to swim around while males will circle females and nudge their vent area. Before females lay eggs, the males will continue to chase and nudge them.
Spawning Stages
Sometimes spotting male and female goldfish during the spawning stages is the easiest time to determine their gender. During this time, male goldfish develop noticeable tubercles along their fins. Females will become asymmetric during spawning, and their abdomen will look a bit swollen. While females will have smoother and rounder bodies, many males will be rough on their fins and pectoral rays. Roughness may be hard to see, but it generally looks like bumpiness or frayed skin.
Goldfish Gender Identification
Determining the gender of your goldfish can be a difficult task in light of the fact that goldfish do not have any visible sex organs. For the many who wish to breed goldfish, determining the sex of a fish depends on identifying certain behavioral traits and minor physical differences of the fish's body. By putting a variety of clues together, you can get an idea of your goldfish's gender.