Things You'll Need
- Multiple fish tanks with filters
- Protein-rich fish food
Keep the male and female pearlscale goldfish apart until they are ready to be bred. During this time, feed the fish a protein-rich diet in preparation for breeding. Foods such as brine fish and bloodworms are an excellent choice because of their high protein levels. The ideal time to breed a pearlscale is at the age of three. It can be difficult to know the age of your fish unless you have had them since birth. Younger fish tend to be more vibrant in color, while older fish are faded. To get a more accurate assessment of the age of your pearlscale, consider allowing a professional at a pet store help you out.
Designate a tank that is specifically for breeding, and place the pearlscales inside. This tank should be a minimum of 20 gallons, be equipped with a fully functioning water filter, have a slightly raised water temperature and have sufficient plant life to help catch the eggs. The average temperature of the tank prior to breeding should be about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. When you are ready to breed the fish, begin raising the temperature two degrees per day until the water is 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
Breed in the springtime. In nature, the spring season is when breeding would naturally occur because of warmer temperatures. An increase in water temperature will stimulate breeding conditions for the pearlscale.
Watch for behavioral changes in the fish. When the time comes for the fish to breed, the male will chase the female around, sometimes for hours, until he rubs onto the female's body. At this time, the eggs will be released. The female can lay up to 2,000 eggs at a time.
Remove the male and female pearlscale from the tank after the eggs have been released. If you leave the adult fish in the water, they will eat the eggs. Eggs will typically hatch within five to seven days.