The difference between canary diamond and yellow?

Canary Diamond

* A type of diamond with a vivid yellow color.

* The color is caused by the presence of nitrogen atoms in the diamond's crystal lattice.

* Canary diamonds are typically less expensive than other colored diamonds, such as blues and pinks.

* They are often used in jewelry, such as engagement rings and earrings.

Yellow Diamond

* A diamond with a yellow color that is less vivid than that of a canary diamond.

* The color is also caused by the presence of nitrogen atoms in the diamond's crystal lattice.

* Yellow diamonds are typically more affordable than canary diamonds.

* They are also often used in jewelry, but are less popular than canary diamonds.


* Canary diamonds are more vividly yellow than yellow diamonds.

* Canary diamonds are typically more expensive than yellow diamonds.

* Canary diamonds are less popular in jewelry than yellow diamonds.