My fantail goldfish has lost its scales and stomach gone very big moving wierdly staying in dark areas which are covered by plants .whats wrong with it.HELP ASAP?

Here are some possible reasons why your fantail goldfish has lost its scales, developed a swollen belly, is behaving strangely, and is hiding in dark areas:

1. Dropsy: Dropsy is a bacterial infection that causes fluid retention and bloating in goldfish. It can lead to scale loss and abnormal swimming behavior. Check for other symptoms such as bulging eyes, pale gills, and lethargy.

2. Internal Parasites: Internal parasites, such as worms, can cause digestive issues and bloating in goldfish. Loss of scales could be a secondary effect of the parasite infestation.

3. Nutritional Deficiency: A lack of essential nutrients, particularly vitamins and minerals, can lead to health problems in goldfish, including scale loss and digestive issues. Make sure your goldfish is getting a balanced diet.

4. Bacterial Infection: Bacterial infections can affect the skin and scales of goldfish, leading to scale loss. Check for any open sores or lesions on the fish's body.

5. Environmental Stress: Poor water quality, overcrowding, or sudden changes in water temperature or pH can stress goldfish, making them more susceptible to diseases. Ensure that the tank conditions are optimal for goldfish.

6. Injury or Trauma: Physical injury or trauma can also cause scale loss and abnormal behavior in goldfish. Check for any signs of injury, such as cuts or bruises.

Action Steps:

* Isolate the affected goldfish in a separate tank to prevent the spread of any infection or parasites.

* Test the water quality in the main tank and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal conditions.

* Provide the affected goldfish with a nutritious and varied diet to support its immune system.

* Treat the goldfish for any specific disease or parasite if identified, following the recommended medications and dosage instructions.

* Monitor the goldfish closely and consult with a veterinarian or experienced aquarist if its condition does not improve or worsens.