My goldfish is lonly what other fish can i buy for him to play with?


Goldfish are social creatures that enjoy the company of other fish. Adding some tankmates to your goldfish's tank can help keep them happy and healthy. Some good tank mates for goldfish include:

* White cloud mountain minnows

* Zebra danios

* Cherry barbs

* Rummy nose tetras

* Corydoras catfish

* Otocinclus catfish

When choosing tank mates for goldfish, be sure to consider the following:

* Size: Tank mates should be similar in size to goldfish, as larger fish may bully or eat them.

* Temperament: Goldfish are peaceful fish, so tank mates should also be peaceful.

* Water requirements: Goldfish prefer water that is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, with a pH of between 7.0 and 8.5. Tank mates should be able to thrive in similar water conditions.

If you are not sure what type of fish to choose as tank mates for your goldfish, be sure to ask your local pet store for advice.