1. Body Shape: Fancy goldfish exhibit a wide variety of body shapes and sizes, including round, elongated, and even lionhead variants. Common goldfish, on the other hand, have a more traditional, elongated body shape similar to wild carp.
2. Coloration: Fancy goldfish boast an extensive range of vibrant colors and patterns, including red, orange, yellow, white, black, and even metallic hues. Common goldfish typically display simpler colorations, such as orange or red, with few variations.
3. Finnage: Fancy goldfish are renowned for their elaborate finnage, which can be long, flowing, and sometimes even veil-like. Common goldfish have shorter and less ornate fins.
4. Eye Shape: Some fancy goldfish have distinctive eye shapes, such as protruding or telescopic eyes, while others may have bubble eyes or celestial eyes that point upward. Common goldfish typically have normal, rounded eyes.
5. Breeding and Genetics: Fancy goldfish are selectively bred for their unique traits, often through generations of careful breeding. This has resulted in a wide variety of fancy goldfish breeds, each with its own distinct characteristics. Common goldfish, on the other hand, are more naturally reproducing fish and are not selectively bred for specific traits.
6. Purpose and Usage: Fancy goldfish are primarily bred for ornamental purposes and are often kept in aquariums or ponds for their aesthetic value. Common goldfish, while also decorative, are often used as feeder fish or kept in outdoor ponds.
7. Lifespan: Fancy goldfish, with proper care, can have a longer lifespan compared to common goldfish. Some fancy goldfish varieties can live for up to 10-15 years, while common goldfish typically have a lifespan of 5-10 years.
It's important to note that these are general distinctions, and there can be variations within each group. Additionally, there are numerous fancy goldfish breeds, each with its own unique characteristics, further adding to the diversity and fascination of these ornamental fish.