How do you get past the giant robot whale in sonic colors?

The robot whale in Sonic Colors is called the Aquarium Park boss, and it is actually a fish-shaped robot. To defeat it, you need to follow these steps:

1. Destroy the power cores. There are four power cores located on the robot's body. You need to use your homing attack to hit each of the cores and destroy them.

2. When all four power cores are destroyed, the robot's shield will go down. You can now attack the robot's body directly.

3. Use your super sonic boost to attack the robot's body. The super sonic boost is the most powerful attack you have, and it will deal significant damage to the robot.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the robot is defeated.

Here are some additional tips for defeating the Aquarium Park boss:

* Use the homing attack to hit the power cores. This is the most efficient way to destroy them.

* Dodge the robot's attacks. The robot will try to attack you with its tail, fins, and lasers. Be sure to dodge these attacks or you will take damage.

* Use the super sonic boost wisely. The super sonic boost is a powerful attack, but it can only be used for a limited amount of time. Be sure to use it when you have a clear opportunity to attack the robot.