How to Buy Up-Flow Filters for a Koi Pond

When buying a filtration system for your koi pond, there are several different directions you can go. When it comes to out-of-pond filtration, you have either an up-flow filter or a down-flow filter. If you're looking to buy an up-flow filter for your koi pond and let gravity do all the work, there are certain things that you need to look for.


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      Check out the GPH (gallons per hour) number. This is perhaps the single most important thing to know about an up-flow pump. If the filter makes the water flow too quickly, your system can fail. If you choose something that flows too slowly, you end up with a mucky pond of sludge. Make sure to find the right size for your pond. In general, you want to filter your pond at least once every 2 hours.

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      Get a good warranty. It's important to check your up-flow filter often to make sure that it's operating properly; if not, send it in to be repaired. By choosing an up-flow filter with a good warranty, you can protect yourself down the road from having to pay for costly repairs.

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      Choose the right biological media. Different types of filters have different stuff inside to clean out your pond. Some have foam filters seeded with bacteria; others have beads or plastic media. Some may also include features like UV lights to help keep your pond at optimum health.

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      Find out if you can bury it. Some up-flow filters are designed to go underground for aesthetic purposes. If this is important to you, check whether it applies to the model you want.

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      Check the price tag. A good filter costs $200 or more, depending on its features, so shop around for the best deal.