How to Change Pond Filter Systems

Ornamental ponds are a great addition to any backyard garden. Keeping the pond filtration system clean and running smoothly will greatly enhance the appearance and quality of a garden pond. Changing a pond filtration system is sometimes a necessary part of pond maintenance.


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      Locate the position of your pond filter system. If you did not install the pond yourself, call a lawn and garden center and give a description of your pond, how the water is flowing in and around the pond and its dimensions. This will help a pond specialist assist you in locating your filter.

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      Determine if the system needs to be replaced or just cleaned. Pond filter systems don't need to be cleaned often, but it's an important step at the beginning of each season to determine if the system is faulty.

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      Clean your pond filter by removing the filter and the biofolds and hosing them off. Replace both parts and start your system to check for problems.

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      Remove both the intake and output hoses from below the water surface and in the ground trench.

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      Dig away the dirt around the pond filtration system and set aside. You will use this for back fill after putting in the new filtration system.

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      Purchase the same type of pond filtration system as the original. This is especially important for gravity fed filters so that underground tubing doesn't have to be removed.

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      Insert the new filter system where the old one was removed and set the intake and output hoses back in their original positions. Use leftover dirt to backfill around the trench. Reconnect power to the filtration system.