How to Protect Koi From Predators

If you have a koi pond in your yard, then you know how important it is to protect them from predators. Koi attract predators such as raccoons, cats, foxes and herons. The bright colors of the koi are what attract many predators. But you can take steps to protect your koi pond. Don't let your koi become a meal for hungry predators.


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      Build your koi pond in an area where it is surrounded by overhanging trees. This will help to block the view of the pond from predatory birds flying overhead.

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      Make the pond deep enough to discourage predators. Herons, for instance, won't be able to stand in deep water. A deep pond may also keep cats from being able to swipe koi from the water.

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      Place water lilies and other floating plants on the surface of the pond. Plant tall grass around the edges of the pond. These will shield the koi from view of most predators.

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      Use decoys. Koi replicas that float in the pond and trick predators are available from online retailers or at most pet fish outlets. They come in a variety of styles and in two sizes. Once a predator snatches a decoy, it may be discouraged from trying the same pond again.

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      Purchase a motion-detection system and place it near the pond. Most work by detecting a predator before it reaches the pond and spraying the animal with a blast of water. These can be purchased online or at pet fish outlets.

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      Install a Koi Kastle at the bottom of the pond. The Kastle is a plastic and aluminum structure that looks like a rock and provides a cave-like cover for koi to hide in.

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      Put a plastic heron beside the pond. This might trick other predators into thinking another hungry creature is already feeding at the pond and drive them away.