What inertial animals that drink salty water?

There are no inertial animals. Inertia is a physics concept, not a biological one. You likely meant terrestrial animals.

While many terrestrial animals drink fresh water, some have adapted to survive on salty water. Here are a few examples:

* Camels: Camels have the ability to tolerate high salt concentrations in their blood. They also conserve water by producing concentrated urine and dry feces.

* Kangaroos: Kangaroos have evolved to drink salt water, but they also get a significant amount of water from their food.

* Some rodents: Certain desert rodents, such as the kangaroo rat, obtain most of their water from the food they eat and from metabolic water produced during respiration.

* Birds: Some desert birds, such as the roadrunner, can drink saltwater. They have specialized glands near their eyes that secrete salt, helping to keep their internal salt levels balanced.

It's important to note that these animals have evolved adaptations to tolerate high salt intake. Their bodies have mechanisms to excrete excess salt and conserve water.