How to Move a Toadstool Leather to Another Rock

Toadstool leather coral belongs to the sarcophyton glaucum family of corals. Toadstools are beautiful corals that do well in saltwater reef aquariums. Toadstools sting adjacent corals with their long tentacles that come out at night, so keep the toadstool away from nearby corals. Moving a toadstool leather mushroom in the saltwater aquarium is a bit tricky. A toadstool will move on its own; however, physically cutting, removing and reattaching it to another rock is another option.

Things You'll Need

  • Underwater putty
  • Instant glue gel
  • Live rock
  • Rubber band
  • Sterile razor blade
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    • 1

      Decide the new placement for the toadstool in the aquarium. Prepare a small ball of underwater putty, such as Aquamend, and set it aside. Get a new razor blade ready to cut the coral; do not use an old razor blade.

    • 2

      Remove the mushroom's new rock. If the rock cannot be removed, use a smaller rock that can be removed and placed near the larger rock.

    • 3

      Place a small amount of instant glue gel, such as Super Glue gel, on the spot of the rock where the coral is going to be mended. Quickly attach the prepared putty to the glue.

    • 4

      Cut the toadstool leather with the sterile razor blade near the foot of the coral. Only cut a coral that has its polyps retracted; if the polyps extend, coax the polyps to close by gently increasing water flow to the coral.

    • 5

      Quickly add another small amount of instant glue gel to the putty. Put the rock in the water and quickly attach the foot of the toadstool leather to the glue. This step must be done quickly. Instant glue gel sets within a few seconds of contact with water. The toadstool will adhere to the glue and putty.

    • 6

      Place the newly attached coral in the aquarium where there is light flow or with a mother colony of toadstools. For the first week avoid heavy flow; the toadstool needs time to attach its foot securely.

    • 7

      Move the toadstool to the desired spot in the aquarium after one week has passed, or it looks to be well-footed on the rock.

    • 8

      Move the coral with the use of a rubber band, for toadstool corals that need to be moved just a bit from their existing home. Use a rubber band to hold down the coral's branch. Wrap a rubber band around the rock and coral so the coral is in contact with the other rock. In a few days, the toadstool will re-foot to the new rock. A small foot on the original rock will remain behind, which will create a new coral; the larger original coral will move to the new rock.