How to Feed Peppermint Shrimp

The peppermint shrimp is a robust, reef-dwelling crustacean. The peppermint shrimps unique body is translucent and light pink in color, with red stripes running along the length of the body. Caring for a peppermint shrimp is no task at all. The peppermint shrimp is a nocturnal scavenger who will feed on dying fish, clams, meaty food and will often attack pests found in the saltwater environment. Adding peppermint shrimp to your saltwater aquarium will help to keep it free of uneaten food, and pesky critters.


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      Add live rock to your saltwater aquarium. Peppermint shrimp eat aiptasia, also know as the "glass anemone," and are one of the aiptasia's natural predators. Peppermint shrimp will keep these nasty pests under control in a reef aquarium.

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      Feed frozen meaty foods, such as myiasis shrimp and brine shrimp. These frozen foods can be found at your local pet store. Do not give your peppermint shrimp too much of these foods, as it will deter them from cleaning your aquarium; however, only provide your shrimp once or twice a week, a small amount of these frozen foods.

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      Allow your peppermint shrimp to scavenge any dead and dying fish or clams in the aquarium. They will also eat any detritus, (fish waste) left in the tank. Peppermint shrimp may also consume hair algae, although it is not a common source of food for the shrimp.