How to Transport a Starfish

Starfish are among the most striking and sensitive of all saltwater creatures. They are beautiful to gaze at, but require substantial care and attention. Starfish are more sensitive than other aquatic creatures to changes in their environment, and if moved suddenly into water that is not at appropriate salt levels and temperature, they could lose limbs or die. Therefore, care must be taken in transporting a starfish to a new aquarium.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Transfer container (usually a plastic bag with water)
  • Salt for aquarium
  • Small bucket
  • Air pump
  • Aquarium thermometer
  • Hydrometer
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    • 1
      Make sure any other fish in the aquarium are compatible with starfish.

      Fill the small bucket with water from the aquarium until the water is two inches from the top. The water should have the right salinity (between 1.022 and 0.1225) and temperature (45 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit). Put the starfish in its water-filled plastic bag into the small bucket and release the starfish from the plastic bag into the water.

    • 2

      Add tap water to the starfish's new aquarium and ensure that the water is at the salinity and temperature levels mentioned in Step 1. If the water is not salty enough, add salt. If the water is too warm, add cold water in. If it is too cold, pour warm water into the aquarium. Add a thermometer and a hydrometer (which measures salt in the water) and install an air pump. Make sure the conditions in the new aquarium are ideal for the starfish. It might take several hours to most of the day to make sure the water is at the right levels.

    • 3

      Transfer the starfish into the new aquarium by gently submerging the small bucket into the aquarium and pouring the starfish out into the water.

    • 4

      Check on the starfish at regular intervals to ensure there is no adverse reaction to the new environment. Monitor temperature and salinity.