How to Feed Coral Beauty Angelfish

The brilliantly colored coral beauty angelfish (Centropyge bispinosa) is one of the less demanding marine fish. A single coral beauty will coexist happily with other peaceful fish species, although a pair may fight each other. Coral beauties aren't especially demanding in their food requirements either. In their natural habitat, the species is herbivorous, feeding primarily on algae. In an aquarium, a variety of algae and algae-based commercial foods, along with occasional servings of small live foods, should provide all your fish requires.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh algae
  • Dried Algae
  • Spirulina
  • Angelfish food
  • Live food
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      Switch the tank light on for at least 12 hours a day. This supports the growth of natural tank algae, which the angelfish can graze on throughout the day.

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      Provide a mixture of fresh algae, dried algae, Spirulina and commercial preparations specifically for angelfish three or more times a day. Give the fish as much as it can eat within about 10 minutes. Because algae is not as high in protein and calories as animal-based foods, the fish needs to eat frequent meals.

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      Supplement the algae foods with live food such as brine shrimp, copepods and amphipods two to four times a week.