How Much Light Do You Need in a 55G Salt Water Tank?

Lighting is a crucial aspect of your aquarium's environment. It allows for photosynthesis in plants and corals and maintains the natural biological balance in and around your fish. Your saltwater tank may require more specific lighting if you have corals.
  1. Wattage

    • A general rule of thumb for the lighting wattage you need for a fish-only aquarium is one to two watts per gallon, according to Vivid Aquariums. This means a 55-gallon fish-only reef aquarium would require anywhere from 55 to 110 watts of light. The rule of thumb for an aquarium containing live corals, or a reef aquarium, is three to five watts per gallon. This means a 55-gallon aquarium would require anywhere from 165 to 275 watts.


    • Beyond the rules of thumb, other factors to consider include the types of marine life the aquarium contains. Aquariums also come in different shapes, so their depths may vary. Tanks more than 24 inches deep may require stronger lighting to ensure enough light and heat reaches the bottom, especially if you have live corals, according to American Aquarium Products.


    • The two most common types of aquarium lighting for saltwater tanks are fluorescent and halide bulbs. Metal halide bulbs are preferred by serious aquarium enthusiasts. Growing corals, for example, is best done with halide bulbs. However, the bulbs are big energy consumers.