How to Arrange Live Rock

Live rock are debris from coral reefs. They includes reef substrate plus the micro-animals and algae that live on them. Traditionally live rock has been collected passively (by divers picking up broken pieces of reef) or actively (dynamiting reefs for the aquarium market). Environmental responsibility requires that you carefully research your choice of live rock. Ocean-cultured rock is now available that is "grown" specifically for aquarium hobbyists.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium-safe glue (optional)
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    • 1
      Live rock must be cured before introducing it to an established aquarium.

      Arrange your live rock according to porosity and purpose. Place base rock in stable positions around the back and sides of your aquarium. Base rock is the least porous rock and provides a good foundation on which to rest more porous rock.

    • 2
      Base rock supports more inhabited rocks.

      Place porous rock over the base rock. This is the rock that holds the most organisms. It must be most accessible and is the most decorative. Place your porous rock where it can be readily seen and enjoyed on top and in front of the base rock.

    • 3
      Porous and heavily-inhabited rock should rest against base rock.

      Place rock with obvious live growth with the growth facing upward, toward the open water. Do not block or crush the crannies that serve as homes for tiny invertebrates and shelters for eggs.

    • 4
      Live rock is very enriching for your fish.

      Arrange your rock to provide caves and crannies for your fish if you have a fish-only tank. Your live rock will serve primarily as a source of hiding places, and secondarily as a storehouse of handy snacks (the organisms that grow on the rocks).

    • 5
      Organisms in live rock provide biological filtration as well as hours of entertainment.

      Arrange live rock to best display your reef invertebrates if you have a reef tank. Your live rock is the primary substrate for your reef animals, as well as a source of livestock.

    • 6
      Invertebrate cases and smaller live rocks may need to be glued to your live rock with aquarium-safe glue.

      Consider how future sessile invertebrates will attach to the rock. If need to glue their cases to the substrate, be sure to leave appropriate areas accessible.