How to Display Live Rock

Live rock, often displayed in saltwater aquariums, comes from the ocean. Live rock is made of calcified, skeletal coral and it is not alive, contrary to what the name denotes. Live rock gets its name from the microorganisms that inhabit its porous surface. Displaying live rock in your aquarium is a simple task that will beautify your fish habitat and your home decor.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium (saltwater)
  • Assorted live rock (optional colors, shapes and sizes)
  • Yellow aquarium lighting (as opposed to standard white)
  • Ghost shrimp
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      Clear out areas in your saltwater aquarium, to make room for your live rock displays. Some aquariums feature only live rock, with little to no aquatic animal life, but several species of small fish, crustaceans and eels prefer the hiding spots live rock offers.

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      Stack pieces of live rock on top of one another inside of the aquarium. Display the live rock stack in the center of the tank, where the coral can receive the most light.

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      Change the light bulbs in your aquarium light hood from standard white to yellow reef bulbs. Reef lighting provides simulated sunlight to the saltwater live rock, aiding in the formation of microorganisms.

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      Stock the aquarium with up to a dozen ghost shrimp. Ghost shrimp are clear, dainty, and make live rock a beautiful habitat while you wait for the rock's organisms to form.

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      Provide the aquarium with 12-hour cycles of darkness and bright, yellow light. Eventually, the rock coral will sprout its own living aquatic flora that will thrive and provide your aquarium with beauty.