How to Stock a 40-Gallon Breeder Saltwater Aquarium

Few creatures are more captivating than saltwater fish. The bright colors, attractive fins and erratic personalities of aquarium fish are several reasons people love them. However, stocking the tank with the right fish will extend the aquarium's life, decrease maintenance, and produce a healthy underwater world.

Things You'll Need

  • pH tester
  • Thermometer
  • Mesh fish net
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  1. Before Stocking

    • 1
      Explore the possibilities of a saltwater aquarium.

      Saltwater environments allow more variety than freshwater aquariums with coral growths, living rock and diverse plants. Before stocking a saltwater breeder tank, ensure plant life, coral or rock is established, and filtration systems and water heaters are running smoothly.

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      One fish, two many fish to purchase?

      Determine how many fish your aquarium can keep based on the gallons. A common formula is every 5 gallons of water can maintain 1 inch of fish; however, this method does not calculate oxygenation, general fish size or the filtration system. In general, if the fish is larger or if the fish will grow much larger, decrease the amount of fish.

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      Choosing your fish

      Local fish stores usually have a selection of fresh and saltwater fish varieties and should provide information on fish growth, feeding, aggressive behavior and which species can live together. Do not select fish based on color only. Aggressive fish should not be mixed with shy, passive feeders.

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      From the bag to the tank

      Acclimating new fish to a tank is simple. If the store bag is full, remove half of the store water. Place the bag (and the fish inside) in the aquarium water. Drape the bag over the tank's wall and secure. Fill the bag with 1/4 cup of tank water every 10 minutes. Test the pH balance and water temperatures in the bag and tank. When both are balanced, release the fish into the tank and discard the bag.