How to Feed Bubble Tip Anemone

Bubble tip anemones (Entacmaea quadricolor) come in many different colors ̵1; brown, green, pink and red ̵1; and varieties, with some growing up to 12 inches long. They are so named because of the bulb tips that form at the end of their tentacles. The bubble tip anemone gets its food from both photosynthesis and small animals like shrimp. They also live symbiotically with clown fish.

Things You'll Need

  • Actinic/10,000k daylight bulbs power compacts
  • HO or VHO fluorescent aquarium bulbs or metal halides
  • Silversides, shrimps, mussels and/or squids
  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Chopsticks
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      Install a minimum 50/50 (actinic/10,000k daylight aquarium bulb) power compacts for tanks with a depth of 24 inches or HO or VHO fluorescent aquarium bulbs or metal halide bulbs for tanks deeper than 24 inches. Bubble tip anemones are photosynthetic so they produce much of their food by photosynthesis ̵1; hence the necessity for ample light.

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      Cut fresh silversides, Mysid shrimp, brine shrimp, table shrimp, mussels and/or squid, or other seafood like clams, into small chunks with a maximum size of 2 inches. Bubble tip anemones are also carnivorous.

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      Pick the pieces up with chopsticks and gently place them on the tentacles of the anemone. Never feed it by hand as it̵7;s a stinging bag of nerves and will sting you as it grabs the food.

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      Feed your anemone once or twice a week. The quantity depends on how big your anemone is and this is something you̵7;ll just have to observe. If your anemone is shrinking, you should feed it more but adjust the amount slowly.