How to Feed a Mantis Shrimp

Mantis shrimp are a type of marine crustacean that have recently become popular in the saltwater fish trade. A beautiful animal by nature, mantis shrimp typically come in a shade of green accented by bright colors like yellow, red, purple and blue. Their heads have a distinct shape similar to that of the common terrestrial garden dweller, the praying mantis, hence their name. Mantis shrimp are not as easy to feed as many other crustaceans due to their shy nature, but this is easy to accomplish with a bit of practice and patience.

Things You'll Need

  • Tongs
  • Squid meat, beef heart or any other protein-rich food
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  1. Feeding Your Mantis Shrimp

    • 1

      If the food is frozen, thaw it out gradually by placing it in a cup of warm water for about a half-hour.

    • 2

      Once thawed, grip the food with the tongs.

    • 3

      Using the tongs, very slowly edge the food closer to your mantis shrimp.

    • 4

      Wait patiently, as your shrimp may be intimidated at first.

    • 5

      Once the shrimp begins to feed, do not move the tongs so as not to startle the shrimp.

    • 6

      Allow the shrimp to finish.