What is a Mummichog Life Cycle?

The mummichog is a minnow-like fish that lives off the American shores of the Atlantic Ocean, known for its ability to live in the harshest of living conditions. This hardiness is one of the reasons they are often used in toxicological studies.
  1. Where Do They Live?

    • The mummichog are found in creeks and at the mouth of streams. They like a steady tide flow, and will move in and out with the tide. The mummichog is also renowned for how closely it sticks to shore. In fact, on the Fish Management of New York website (see References) it is estimated that all the mummichogs in the Gulf of Maine live within 100 yards from the shoreline. As a result, they rarely venture more than a few fathoms deep in the water. The mummichog is also known for its hardiness. They tolerate oxygen well and can often be found where no other fish could live.

    Where Do They Spawn?

    • Mummichogs spawn between April and September after spending the fall and winter burrowed in the mud. Males begin to turn a greenish brown and are covered with blue spots with an orange belly. These bright colors help attract females which remain duller in color and smaller in size to avoid predators. During this period, the males and females will spawn many times with many different partners. The mummichog has a high fertility and population rate.

    Where Are Their Eggs Laid?

    • The mummichog can lay their eggs in many places. Typically, the eggs of the mummichog are laid in empty mollusk shells or on dead vegetation. This is done by the high water mark and is an evolutionary defense that allows their eggs to avoid most of the predators that would eat their eggs. This isn't a perfect defense, however, as birds like seagulls and other land predators can still find and eat the eggs. Two weeks after being laid, the eggs are hatched.

    How Long Before They Reach Spawning Age?

    • The average mummichog reaches sexual maturity by their second year. Before this sexual maturity, the mummichog, like many fish, spends its time eating. They eat so much because during their spawning, they will spend so much time mating that they will often neglect to eat.

    How Long Do They Live?

    • A typical mummichog only lives three years. They are small fish, and as a result, rarely survive the many larger predators that stalk them. They also have a shorter life expectancy than other fish. Their spawning season is rough on their bodies due to how many times they will spawn. Many will not survive.