How to Raise Damselfish

Damselfish come in an array of colors from black and white to bright yellow and sky blue. They are closely related to the clownfish but with several distinguishing features. The damselfish is easy to raise when young. As they age, though, they tend to become aggressive. The following steps will help you raise damselfish.


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      Prepare a tank. Damselfish can be raised in tanks ranging from 30 to 100 gallons, depending on the type of fish. The Yellowtail needs the larger tank. Set the tank temperature between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH level should be between 8.1 and 8.4. Add lots of light. The tank conditions are not of great concern since the damselfish will break in the aquarium for you.

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      Add coral and rocks. Artificial coral is beneficial for damselfish. Damselfish become aggressive toward each other and need hiding places to avoid confrontations.

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      Add the damselfish. Damselfish are solitary fish and prefer to be alone. Start with one damselfish. Introduce new fish slowly and always in pairs of two or more. Before adding more damselfish, rearrange the coral. Make sure there is enough room for the damselfish to hide.

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      Feed the fish flaked, frozen or live mixtures of meaty and herbivore preparations. You can also serve these combinations in tablets. There should be 2 to 3 feedings daily.

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      Breed damselfish and raise them from larvae to adulthood. Introduce a male and female. Add a clam shell for the eggs. Allow the male to become aggressive and protective once the eggs have been laid. The fry will hatch within one week.