1. (sports) A person who supplies water to athletes or players during a sports event.
2. (US slang) A young, inexperienced man, especially one who is seen as being naive or gullible.
3. (rare) A boy or man who works in a water supply or distribution system.
In the first sense, a waterboy is a person who carries and dispenses water to athletes during sports events, usually held outdoors in hot weather, such as football, basketball, soccer, and baseball games. The primary role of a waterboy is to ensure that athletes stay hydrated and cool, helping them perform at their best and reduce the risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion, or heatstroke.
In the second sense, which is typically used in American English, a waterboy refers to a young man, usually a teenager or slightly older, who is seen as lacking in experience, maturity, or knowledge, often portrayed as being naive or gullible. This usage of the term can carry a slightly derogatory connotation, implying a lack of confidence, assertiveness, or independence in the individual.
The term "water boy" has been used in popular culture to describe young men who are portrayed as inexperienced or naive, often involved in comical or light-hearted situations.
Note: The term "waterboy" can be perceived as offensive in some contexts, especially if it is used in a derogatory or belittling manner. It's important to use it with sensitivity and consider the potential impact on others.