Using salt water to kill weeds in the garden?

While salt water can indeed kill weeds, it's important to note that it is not a selective herbicide and will kill any plants it comes into contact with. Therefore, using salt water to kill weeds in a garden is generally not recommended, as it can also damage or kill desirable plants. Here are some alternative methods to control weeds in the garden:

1. Hand-Pulling: Manually removing weeds by hand is the most direct and effective method. Ensure to remove the entire root system to prevent regrowth.

2. Mulching: Applying a layer of organic matter, such as compost, straw, or newspaper, around plants can help block sunlight and prevent weed seeds from germinating.

3. Boiling Water: Pouring boiling water directly onto weeds can kill them. Be cautious not to splash nearby plants.

4. Vinegar: A solution made of equal parts white vinegar and water can be sprayed onto weeds. Reapplication may be necessary as the vinegar can evaporate quickly.

5. Dish Soap: A mixture of dish soap and water (about 1 tablespoon of soap to 1 gallon of water) can be used as a weed killer. The soap helps the water penetrate the weed's leaves and cause them to wilt.

6. Corn Gluten Meal: Pre-emergent weed control can be achieved by sprinkling corn gluten meal around plants. It works by inhibiting seed germination.

7. Spot Treatments: There are specific herbicides available for spot treatment of weeds. Check the product label carefully and follow the instructions to avoid damaging nearby plants.

Remember that weed control requires patience and consistency. It's important to stay vigilant and manage weeds regularly to maintain a healthy and thriving garden.