What is the noisiest sea creature in world?

There isn't a single "noisiest" sea creature, as "noise" can be measured in different ways (loudness, frequency, etc.) and different animals have their own unique ways of communicating. However, some strong contenders for the title of "noisiest" include:

* Blue Whales: While they don't make a lot of noise all the time, their calls can reach up to 188 decibels, which is louder than a jet engine! These calls are used for communication over long distances.

* Sperm Whales: These creatures are known for their "clicks," which they use for echolocation. These clicks can reach up to 230 decibels, although they are focused beams of sound and wouldn't be perceived as loud by humans.

* Shrimp: Some species of shrimp use snapping claws that produce loud pops, reaching up to 218 decibels. This is used for hunting and communication.

* Fish: Many species of fish, especially those living in shallow water, communicate using sounds like grunts, clicks, and whistles. While not as loud as whales or shrimp, these sounds can be surprisingly complex.

Ultimately, the "noisiest" sea creature depends on how you define noise!