What is the maori name for King fish?

There isn't one single Māori name for kingfish.

This is because the term "kingfish" can refer to different species depending on where you are. In New Zealand, it usually refers to Tarakihi (scientific name: *Nemadactylus macropterus*), but it can also be used for other fish like Hapuku (scientific name: *Polyprion oxygeneios*).

Here are some Māori names for those fish:

* Tarakihi: There isn't a single, commonly used Māori name for Tarakihi. However, depending on the region and dialect, names like Tarakihi, Kōura, or Kete might be used.

* Hapuku: Hapuku is the Māori name for this fish.

So, when asking for the Māori name of "kingfish", it's important to specify which species you're referring to.