Commonly Consumed Fish:
* Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): A popular, mild-flavored fish found in both the Atlantic and Pacific, cultivated in Chile.
* Salmon (Salmo salar): Chilean salmon farming is a significant industry, with Atlantic salmon raised in enclosures.
* Hake (Merluccius gayi): A lean, white-fleshed fish, often called "Chilean Hake," a staple in Chilean cuisine.
* Congrio (Genypterus chilensis): A large, eel-like fish with firm, white flesh, popular in Chilean seafood dishes.
* Swordfish (Xiphias gladius): A migratory fish with a distinct sword-like bill, prized for its meat.
Other Notable Fish:
* King Crab (Lithodes santolla): A large, commercially valuable crab, found off the coast of Chile.
* Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides): Also known as "Chilean Sea Bass," this deep-water fish is highly prized and often subject to conservation efforts.
* Flying Fish (Exocoetidae): These fish have large, wing-like fins that allow them to glide above the water's surface.
* Jellyfish: While not technically fish, various jellyfish species are common in Chilean waters.
* Sharks: Chile has a diverse shark population, including hammerhead, mako, and blue sharks.
Endemic Species:
* Chilean Flounder (Paralichthys adspersus): A flatfish unique to the Chilean coastline.
* Chilean Sea Bass (Dissostichus eleginoides): As mentioned above, this fish is considered endemic to the southern hemisphere.
Important Note: This is just a small selection of the diverse fish species found in Chilean waters. There are many more, including numerous species of tuna, sardines, anchovies, and more.
For a more comprehensive list, consult resources like the Chilean Ministry of Fisheries or scientific databases on fish species.