What is the life span of stomias boa scaly dragon fish?

There is no fish species called "stomias boa scaly dragon fish". It's likely you're referring to a combination of different species:

* Stomias boa: This is a deep-sea fish also known as the "viperfish". While there's limited information on their lifespan in the wild, they are known to live for several years.

* Scaly dragonfish: This could refer to a few different species of dragonfish (family Stomiidae), which also live in the deep sea. Again, their exact lifespan is unknown, but they are likely to live for a few years.

In summary: There is no specific fish species called "stomias boa scaly dragon fish". The lifespan of stomias boa (viperfish) and other dragonfish species is unknown, but they are estimated to live for several years.

If you have a specific fish in mind, please provide more details, and I'll try to help you find information about its lifespan.