What fish can live with guppies?

Here are some fish that can live peacefully with guppies, along with some things to keep in mind:

Peaceful Community Fish:

* Neon Tetras: Beautiful and peaceful, they add a splash of color.

* Cardinal Tetras: Similar to neons, but with a slightly larger size and a more intense red color.

* Harlequin Rasboras: A fun, active fish that enjoys the company of others.

* Ghost Shrimp: Peaceful scavengers that help keep the tank clean.

* Corydoras Catfish: Bottom-dwelling fish that are excellent for cleaning up leftover food.

* Platy: Livebearers, they are peaceful and come in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

* Swordtails: Another livebearer, known for their distinctive sword-like tail fins.

* Molly: A group of livebearers that are known for their interesting colors and patterns.


* Tank Size: Make sure your tank is large enough to accommodate all the fish. Guppies are generally small, but some of the other fish on this list can get bigger. A 10-gallon tank is a good starting point for a small group of guppies and a few other peaceful fish.

* Temperament: Even within a species, individual fish can have different personalities. Some fish might be more aggressive than others. Observe your fish carefully and be ready to separate any individuals that become aggressive.

* Water Parameters: Ensure that all fish you choose have similar water parameters (temperature, pH, hardness) to guppies.

* Diet: Most of these fish are omnivores, so they will eat a variety of flakes, pellets, and live foods.

Fish to Avoid:

* Aggressive Fish: Avoid aggressive fish such as cichlids, bettas, and some larger barbs.

* Predatory Fish: Avoid fish that are known to eat smaller fish, such as angelfish, pufferfish, and some loaches.

Before introducing any new fish to your tank, it's important to research their specific needs and make sure they are compatible with your existing fish.