What is culture fishery?

The term "culture fishery" is not a commonly used or recognized term in the field of fisheries or aquaculture. It's possible you might be referring to one of the following:

1. Aquaculture: This is the most likely interpretation. Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms, including fish, shellfish, and seaweed. It involves controlling the environment and food supply of the organisms to maximize production.

2. Culture-based Fisheries Management: This refers to approaches to fisheries management that take into account the social and cultural values of fishing communities. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting the cultural practices, knowledge, and traditions associated with fishing.

3. "Cultured" Fish: This refers to fish that are raised in controlled environments, as opposed to wild-caught fish. "Cultured" fish can be part of aquaculture or can also refer to fish that are raised in hatcheries and then released into the wild for recreational or commercial fishing.

4. A Misunderstanding: It's possible that you heard or read the term "culture fishery" incorrectly.

To understand what you meant, please provide more context. For example:

* Where did you hear or read the term "culture fishery"?

* What were the circumstances surrounding the use of this term?

* What were you trying to learn about?

With more information, I can provide a more accurate and helpful answer.