Common Names:
* Thorny skate: *Amblyraja radiata*
* Winter skate: *Leucoraja ocellata*
* Little skate: *Leucoraja erinacea*
* Barndoor skate: *Dipturus batis*
* Common skate: *Raja batis*
* Longnose skate: *Raja rhina*
* Fanray skate: *Raja clavata*
* Smooth skate: *Raja senta*
* Blotched fanray: *Raja polystigma*
* Starry skate: *Raja stellulata*
This is just a small sampling of the many different types of skates within the Rajidae family. There are many other species found in different parts of the world.
Let me know if you'd like to learn more about any specific skate species, or if you have another question about fish.