How to Tell a Female From a Male Bala Shark

The Bala shark, also known as the silver shark or the tri-colored shark, is not really a shark. It is considered a tropical fish that looks like a shark, such as the shape of its dorsal fin. Telling a Bala's gender without the help of an expert can be accomplished if you have some Bala that are around the same age. It is very difficult to tell the difference in a male and female at a young age, but as the they grow, you may be able to monitor the size and shape of their bodies to determine their gender.


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      Note the length of the Bala. A male Bala fish is usually longer then the female. The length is measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail.

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      Notice the belly area. The females belly is usually round and the male is usually more slender. The females belly will take on a round shape when she is ready to begin laying eggs.

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      Notice the height. The male fish is usually taller than the female. The height is measured from the tip of the pelvic fin, or bottom fin, to the tip of the dorsal fin, or top fin.