Location is important. Selecting the correct location is important. A tank set up in a sunny window will heat up in the mid-day sun. This will cause temperature fluctuations that will stress the fish and lead to disease and potential death. Select a location where the fish can be enjoyed but out of the way of heavy foot traffic or drafty locations.
Great Starter Fish
Livebearers are great starter fish. Livebearers such as platys, mollies and guppies are great starter fish. These nonaggressive fish make great tankmates with many species such as the Corydoras catfish. Livebearers require a water temperature between 75 and 85 Fahrenheit and will eat most flake food and freeze dried foods.
Proper filtration keeps your fish happy. The standard power filter is the most common. These filters hang on the outside of the tank and have a suction tube that sticks into the tank. The filter draws up the tube and through the filter media back. The filter media cleans the water before sending it back into the tank. Choose the filter that fits your tank.
Regular maintenance is critical to a successful tank. Maintaining the tank is essential. Regular partial water changes will remove the detris from the tank. Excess waste will cause the ammonia levels to rise, placing stress on your aquarium inhabitants. Remove 10 to 15 percent of the water with a tank siphon and replace it with clean aged water.
Beginner's Guide to Tropical Fish Tanks
Keeping tropical fish is a great hobby. Fish can bring hours of enjoyment to those who like to sit and watch their antics but keeping tropical fish is just not as easy as adding water.