Do You Need a Heater for a Tropical Fish Tank?

Tropical fish are colorful, graceful and quiet pets, and aquarium plants provide a place for the fish to hide and an interesting atmosphere in which to enjoy them. Both require warm water, and a heater, with the help of a thermometer, is the best way to maintain a healthy temperature for them.
  1. Lights

    • While incandescent light will heat the water in a small tropical fish tank, it is onerous to monitor the temperature by turning the light on and off in order to ensure a water temperature range of only a few degrees; 76 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit is optimum, according to Harvard University's Philip Greenspun.


    • For tropical water plants, Purdue University's Department of Horticulture recommends an aquarium heater that will keep the water in your tropical fish tank at around 74 to 78 degrees.


    • A heater sized to match tank capacity is the most efficient way to ensure an acceptable temperature for your tropical fish. For example, Berkeley's Parent Network recommends a 7.5 watt heater for a small betta bowl.