Symptoms of a Sick Tropical Fish

If you are a tropical fish owner, pay special attention to your pets so you'll know when they have an illness. If one of your fish is sick it needs to be removed from the tank immediately and cared for. To keep your fish healthy, maintain your tank properly and change the water often to keep it clean.
  1. Physical Signs

    • If your fish's fins seem tightly clenched against its body, this is a sign of illness. Other physical symptoms include visible red or white sore spots, bulging eyeballs and fin disintegration.

    Swimming Symptoms

    • Fish that swim quickly in one spot are most likely ill. Fish that keep crashing on the bottom while swimming are usually in distress. Swimming sideways or oddly or trying to rub itself up against rocks or objects are all symptoms of illness.


    • If a fish is coming up for air frequently, this is a bad sign. Also if a fish seems to be breathing erratically or too quickly this is a danger sign. Watch for a fish that is having trouble breathing and sinking to the bottom as well.


    • Pay attention to your fish's eating habits. If your pet has suddenly stopped eating or seems to be eating less, that could signal a problem. Look for clouds of uneaten food in the tank.