Tropical Freshwater Fish for Pets

Although tropical freshwater fish are not as cuddly as a dog or cat, they make good pets for a variety of other reasons. Many people report feeling a sense of calm wash over them as they observe their fish. Tropical fish are also fairly easy to care for, once you learn exactly what is required to keep this type of aquarium running at an optimum level.
  1. Types

    • Tropical freshwater fish come in a plethora of colors, shapes and sizes. Some of the hardier fish include white clouds, zebra danios and the platy, making them a good choice for beginners.


    • Tropical freshwater fish come from the warm regions of Africa, South America and Asia and, therefore, need to always be kept in a heated aquarium, according to


    • Some species of tropical freshwater fish cannot be housed in a communal aquarium with other species because they may fight them to the death. These include oscars, red piranha and discus fish.


    • To avoid overcrowding conditions and maintain a healthy tank, include only 1 inch of fish per 2 to 3 gallons of water, according to Make sure to calculate inches based on the size of a full-grown, adult fish.

    Expert Insight

    • Never buy the tank and the fish on the same day because the aquarium water needs time to stabilize, according to