Good Fish for a Tropical Aquarium

Tropical aquariums provide the opportunity to observe and see tropical fish from around the world. Tropical aquariums require fish that are adapted to tropical waters. These fish are often colorful, exotic looking and specialized to a tropical environment. Two types of tropical fish tanks are available: community and species. With a little knowledge, you can pick ideal fish for a tropical aquarium.
  1. Community Tank

    • A tropical community fish tank is a collection of docile species that live harmoniously with one another. Research the different species you want to keep and plan your community. Popular, hardy species of fish include neon tetras, clown fish, danios, and corydoras. You can purchase these at quality pet stores.

      The neon tetra is a small fish, growing to about 1 inch in length. The neon tetra is one of the most popular tropical aquarium fish, known for the neon blue stripe that is on its side and for its hardiness. The neon tetra is docile and lives well with other non-aggressive fish.

      The clown fish is another popular tropical aquarium fish. Growing to a maximum size of 3.5 inches, it is defined by a brilliant orange hue and three white stripes around its body. This docile fish goes well with other non-aggressive tropical species, especially the neon tetra.

      Danios are popular, small tropical fish that grow to about 1.5 inches. They are known for their high energy and mild temperament with other fish. There are many colorful varieties ranging from the black and white zebra danio to the vibrant red danio.

      Corydoras are small, tropical catfish that dwell at the bottom of the tank. They make a good choice for a tropical aquarium as they help maintain cleanliness.

    Species Tank

    • A species tank is a collection of one species of fish that cannot live with other varieties. Pick a single species that can be tank mates with each other. Species tank fishes include cichlids and discuses, both easily found at quality pet stores.

      Cichlids are very aggressive fish species that are ideal for a species tank. These are very colorful fish, ranging from deep blues to red, depending on variety. This fish can grow to about 5 inches in length.

      Discuses are aptly named, as they are flat, circular fish resembling a disc. Discuses, depending on varieties, range in colors from neon orange to gold.