How to Breed Malawi Peacocks

The bright colors and tame disposition of the Peacock Cichlids native to Lake Malawi make them a popular choice among tropical fish hobbyists. Peacock Cichlids belong to the Aulonocara species, most of which are either rock- or sand-dwellers. They are somewhat shy because they tend to retreat into rock crevices when startled. Once acclimated to their habitat, they are active and easy to feed and care for. They are also among the few cichlids that are recommended for amateur fishkeepers because they are easy to breed.

Things You'll Need

  • Large aquarium, at least 60 gallons
  • Small aquarium, at least 10 gallons
  • 6 Peacock Cichlids
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    • 1

      Purchase two aquariums, a large one of at least sixty gallons and a small one of at least ten gallons.

    • 2

      Choose six Peacock Cichlids of different ages, preferably from different sources to minimize the negative effects of inbreeding. House them in the large aquarium. The group should have only one or two males.

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      Maintain ideal water conditions in the large aquarium. Keep water temperature at around 78 degrees, pH basic at 7.8-8.5, and specific density leaning towards hard. Perform regular water changes to minimize nitrate levels.

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      Observe the females for mouthbrooding. If breeding has been successful, the females should show a bulging throat, indicating the presence of fertilized eggs in her mouth.

    • 5

      Transfer the females to the small aquarium. This will safeguard the female from the male, which will continue to harass her. Maintain the same ideal water conditions as the large aquarium.

    • 6

      Return the female to the large aquarium after she releases the fry. It will take approximately 18 days for the eggs in the mouthbrooding female to hatch and become free-swimming.

    • 7

      Raise the fry in the small aquarium until they are large enough to join community tanks.