Tropical Fish Tanks for Beginners

While goldfish serve a purpose and are great for beginner tanks or for children, it is always nice to bump up your options a notch with a tropical fish aquarium. A wide variety of types and colors of tropical fish exist, ensuring that your aquarium will be filled with plenty of color and beauty. Tropical fish are easy to maintain as long as you have the general knowledge of what they need and like.
  1. Temperature

    • One big difference between tropical fish and goldfish is that goldfish do not need a heated aquarium. Tropical fish, on the other hand, need the water between 75 and 85 degrees F. You must invest in a water heater and check the temperature often. Sudden changes in water temperature may harm or kill the fish.

    Current &Filter

    • Tropical fish also need constant movement within the water they live in. Invest in a water pump that constantly recycles water. The pump also includes a filter to help block harmful or dirty chemicals in the water. Change the filter every two weeks.

    Types of Fish

    • Many tropical fish species mix and match together well. Talk to an expert at your local pet store, who can help create a good mixture of tropical fish to begin with. Also, you need to know the size of your aquarium. The general rule is that each fish needs about one square foot of water. Also watch out for aggressive fish that may attack other tropical fish. Avoid mixing tiny fish with large fish, as the larger ones are likely to eat the smaller ones.