Things You'll Need
- Aquarium
- Sump water filter
- Aquarium water heater
- Tank decorations
- Water pH testing kit
Purchase a 74 by 24 by 24 inch glass aquarium. The butter catfish can grow to over a foot in length and needs a lot of space in which to swim.
Decorate the aquarium to personal taste. Add a layer of gravel about 1 to 2 inches thick at the bottom of the tank. Place decorations such as fake caves, castles and driftwood. This gives the catfish plenty of places to hide in and swim through. Do not overcrowd the tank with decorations as the fish likes to move around freely.
Fit the tank with a suitable sump water filter based on the aquarium's size. Sump filters are best for large tanks as they can process more water at a faster rate. The filter both oxygenates the water and clears away solid waste.
Fit the aquarium with a water heater that is set to maintain the temperature between 68 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit. A temperature in the middle of this range is best to give some room for variation without adversely affecting the fish.
Test the pH of your tap water; it should be between 6 to 8, which is ideal for the butter catfish. If the water pH is under or over this range it may need to be adjusted with water softeners or additives to be closer to 7. Check the aquarium water pH regularly to make sure it is not becoming too basic or acidic. If needed, replace part of the water with fresh water in order to regulate the pH.
Feed the catfish daily either with commercial catfish dried or frozen foods or with live earthworms, pieces of shrimp or mussel. The butter catfish is a messy eater; do not add too much food at once as uneaten food may be left to rot and will affect water quality.
Do not keep the butter catfish with smaller fish as it is a predator and may eat smaller fish. It is best kept with fish of larger or equal size.